Circularity & The Future of Furniture Design


Holistic and Realistic Steps and Strategies to Implement the Circular Economy

Sarah Templin was invited by mebl | Transforming Furniture and the Sustainable Furnishings Council to host a panel on real world case studies that identify the role of design and reaching circularity and how we implement design with circularity in mind.


Produced for Circular City Week, the conversation was entitled “Circularity and the Future of Furniture Design”, and featured thought- and action-leaders in furniture and circularity, Paula Luu, Senior Project Director at the Center for the Circular Economy, Closed Loop Partners, Emily McGarvey, Director of Sustainability, Room & Board, and Phantila Phataraprasit, Co-Founder/CEO, Sabai.

Is the furniture of today the raw materials of our future? Working towards a circular economy is a clear path towards a healthier future for the planet, our homes and the people who make our objects, but there can be hiccups along the way.